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“A State Got FG’s Palliatives And Was Looking For Buyers” - Buba Galadima

A chieftain of the All Progressives Congress Buba Galadima on Monday said officials of an undisclosed state government once approached his office to sell COVID-19 palliatives.

Galadima spoke during an AIT programme following cases of looting of warehouses by angry youths in search of COVID-19 palliatives.

“I know of a state that all the palliatives taken from the Federal Government in that state was kept in stores and they came to my office to look for buyers of such commodities.

“They said the buyers should not be from that particular state,” he said.

When asked if he shared the information with security agents, Galadima replied: “They are listening now. Anything I say on any interview, electronic or print, it is better for the security agencies not to look at it as coming from their enemies. It should be (seen as) coming from their friend, from a patriotic citizen who is sacrificing his life because what I am doing can cost me my life.”

The Nigeria Governors’ Forum on Monday denied allegations that governors hoarded palliatives meant for distribution to Nigerians amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

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