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Nigerian Army Threatens Decisive Action Against “Subversive Elements, Trouble Makers”

The Nigerian Army has reacted to the #EndSARS protest, saying it is “highly” committed to the sustenance of peace and security.

Acting spokesman of the army Sagir Musa stated this in a release on Wednesday.

“The Nigerian Army (NA) wishes to reassure law abiding citizens that it is highly committed to the sustenance of peace, security and defence of democracy in Nigeria,” the statement read.

“As a responsible and law abiding organisation, the NA reaffirms its unalloyed loyalty and commitment to the President, Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria President Muhammadu Buhari and the constitution of the country.

“The NA hereby warns all subversive elements and trouble makers to desist from such acts as it remains highly committed to defend the country and her democracy at all cost.

“The NA is ready to fully support the civil authority in whatever capacity to maintain law and order and deal with any situation decisively. All officers and men are directed never to be distracted by anti-democratic forces and agents of disunity.”

The army’s position follows unconfirmed reports that President Muhammadu Buhari refused the request of the Chief of Army Staff Tukur Buratai to deploy soldiers to quell the #EndSARS protest which has lingered on despite the scrapping of the notorious police unit the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS).

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