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Nigerian Man, Two Others Sentenced To 10-year Imprisonment In India For Drug Possession

A Nigerian national and two Indians have been sentenced to 10 years rigorous imprisonment for the possession of narcotic substances in India.

Chukwu Obinna, 30, K Kumaresan, 26, and Arun Diwakar, 33, were jailed by a Special Court for Exclusive Trial of Cases under NDPS Act in Chennai.

They were arrested near an apartment in Porur in 2018, Times of India reports.

According to the prosecution, SRMC police received a tip-off about exchange of narcotics in Porur and on December 17, 2018, they apprehended the trio near an apartment complex.

Police found the trio to be in possession of psychotropic and narcotic substances in their bags, which they had planned to sell.

About 220 grams of ecstasy pills, 18 grams of Cocaine, 8 grams of MDMA, 9 gram of Meth were seized from them.

Prosecutors said Mr Obinna had come to India on an employment visa. His modus operandi to expand his business was allegedly to supply drugs to tourists in Goa before luring them to join him as agents.

The court also imposed a fine on the accused- Rs 3 lakh on Obinna and Diwakar and a fine of Rs 4 lakh on Kumaresan.

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