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EndSARS: Minister, Soun Of Ogbomoso, Chiefs Attacked

Minister of Youth and Sports Development Sunday Dare was on Sunday moved to safety after hoodlums invaded the palace of the Soun of Ogbomoso Oba Oladunni Oyewumi.

Mr Dare was having a meeting with the monarch when the hoodlums invaded the palace.

The monarch and other chiefs who were at the meeting were also rescued by the police and operatives of the Department of State Services (DSS).

Dare had earlier visited the family of a young man Jimoh Isaq who was killed by the police during the #EndSARS protest in the town on Saturday. He had also visited some persons in the hospital who were injured during the protest.

However, the minister in his Twitter post lamented the level of damage done by the hoodlums in the palace.

“Ogbomoso- Hoodlums, thugs and miscreants disrupt stakeholders meeting in Soun’s palace now -invading, stoning and breaking doors, glasses. Soun, myself, and council chiefs were scurried into safety by the police and Department of State Services,” he said.

“The hoodlums broke into the palace and destroyed chairs, overturned tables, broke windows. These were not youth or Students. These were miscreants and thugs who saw a window of opportunity in the protest which (was) since abated. Thankfully, Soun, the chiefs, leaders of Parapo are safe.”

Dare said peace had been restored following police reinforcements.

Meanwhile, the Soun of Ogbomosho had appealed for an end to violence.

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