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#EndSARS: My Heart Breaks Over Injustice Done By Our Police Officers - Korede Bello

Singer Korede Bello on Friday denied he had been silent on the #EndSARS protest ongoing in several parts of the country.

The 24-year-old stated this in a Twitter thread where he explained what he has been doing to support the protest.

Korede said, “I am not silent & I’ve never been silent. I’ve only been speaking in spaces I’m convinced can decisively provide policy solutions to these recurring challenges.

“Something has to give & we must adopt & consistently implement solution that works for our country & generations unborn.”

The ‘Godwin’ singer further said, “We must not have a society where young people (and anybody for that matter) are openly expressing their discontent about their relationship with an institution as critical as the Police and we don’t find solutions that work and implement them consistently.

“Do not despair guys, we stay demanding and stay engaging. we cry with eyes wide open but we must also walk the path of helpful and practicable solutions. #PoliceAccountability #PoliceforthePeople #ReformPolice.”

#EndSARS protests have been held across the country with the aim of terminating the controversial Special Anti-Robbery Squad completely.

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