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Nigerian-British Actor, David Oyelowo Loses Father To Colon Cancer (Photos)

Nigerian-British actor David Oyelowo has announced the death of his father Stephen Oyelowo.

The 44-year-old announced the death on Friday via Instagram, revealing he died of colon cancer.

“It is with a heavy heart that I bring the news of the passing of my beloved father. My brothers and I knew him as our protector, guardian, hero, encourager and our lovely Daddy,” David wrote.

“You probably knew him as @the_leaf_blower, because of his hilarious antics with that very noisy device! You wouldn’t know it, but my Dad had been in a years-long battle with colon cancer.

“My heart is at peace because his pain is now over and the real victory has been won because I know he is now with his Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. He fought so hard to stick around for me, my brothers and his grandchildren.

“He would often say to me. ‘God has so much in store for you, and I want to be here to see it.’”

Speaking of his last conversation with his father, the actor revealed that he fought through the pain.

“He passed away peacefully this week and I truly believe he’s now reunited with my mum in heaven, and although I will never truly get over losing him, my heart is full at the thought of him with my mother again,” he added.

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