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SS3 Student Caught With 107 Tramadol Capsules, Bribes Police With N400,000

Police in Gombe State have arrested a Senior Secondary School 3 student for being in possession of illicit substances.

Babayo Yahaya was found with 107 Tramadol capsules and 59 sachets of exole, police said.

Gombe police commissioner Shehu Maikudi paraded the 21-year-old on Thursday at the state police headquarters alongside several other suspects.

Mr Maikudi alleged the SS3 student attempted to bribe policemen with N400,000.

“Babayo Yahaya was arrested based on credible intelligence. Upon interrogation, the suspect confessed to being a dealer in illicit substances for over two years in Gombe and environs,” he said.

Anambra man of the year award
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