Earlier today, micro bogging platform, Twitter and social media platform, Instagram went wild after an unknown woman mistakenly went live on popular anonymous gossip blog, Instablog9ja.
Igbere TV reported the unintentional error the lady made after she mistakenly went live on the official instagram account, and she shouted “Jesus” then immediately went off the live video.
It has been gathered that the lady who went live is Moji Delano, a blogger and digital marketer who is now into a partnership with Instablog.
According to a source close to Moji, the partnership entails running live sessions on the Instagram handle of the blog, and the live session was a mere mistake.
“Moji doesn’t own the blog, she is only running a partnership with the blog. The partnership is about doing live sessions with the handle by Moji Delano”, the source who pleaded anonymity told Igbere TV.
Instablog9ja broke into the media scene in 2015 alongside many other blogs but is widely considered the most successful news blog on Instagram.
Instablog is an Instagram news outfit with 2.8 million followers as of Tuesday.
The operators of the blog have remained a mystery till date.