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Frank Edoho Reveals Lesson He Learnt After His Twitter Followers Refused To Follow Him On IG

Media personality Frank Edoho says he lost a bet some months ago thinking he could get 10,000 of his Twitter followers to join him on Instagram.

Frank revealed this to a Twitter fan on Friday who sought to know his Instagram handle.

“Same as Twitter. Months ago I made a bet with my friend that I could get my 10,000 followers from Twitter to follow me on Instagram,” he answered.

“I tried and I lost my money and he still laughs at me till this day. That taught me a lesson- followers don’t mean supporters.”

At the time of this report, Frank had 84,000 plus Twitter followers and over 25,000 on Instagram.

Born in Lagos, Frank broke into the Nigerian entertainment scene in 2004 as host of the popular game show ‘Who Wants to Be a Millionaire’.

He got married to Sandra Onyenucheya in 2013.

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