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Southern Kaduna Attacks: Angry Women Protest Naked Over Incessant Killings (Photos)

A group of angry women from different communities in Southern Kaduna on Thursday, July 23, staged a protest — naked — over the killings in their various communities, Igbere TV reports.

The women from Atyap , Mabushi, Samaru, Tagama, Unjwan Juju and other neighbouring villages are protesting following the incessant violence and killings in Southern Kaduna.

Hundreds of people have been killed in various local governments of Southern Kaduna in the past couple of years.

The killings have continued despite the deployment of various military teams to the area.

One of such latest killings occurred on Sunday when armed men stormed communities in Kaura Local Government Area. At least 16 people were killed in that attack, Igbere TV learnt.

The naked women stormed the Agwa Tyap’s (Sarkin Kataf) house at Atak Njei, Southern Kaduna, to express their grief and demand a solution to end the killings.

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