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Edo 2020: Obaseki Obtains New NYSC Certificate

Edo State Governor, Godwin Obaseki, has been given a new discharge certificate by the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) with number A 004280695.

Mr Obaseki’s NYSC certificate has been a subject of controversy over the misspelling of his surname as Obasek. He was disqualified from partaking in the All Progressives Congress’ primary over it among other things.

Following the display of forms of 14 governorship candidates who will contest for Edo governorship seat at the secretariat of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) in Benin City on Thursday, it is discovered on Friday that Obaseki’s new discharge certificate was issued on June 19.

A memo signed on behalf of NYSC Director-General by K.N Okonofua was also attached with the title ‘Re-correction of name and re-issuance of my certificate of national service’.

The memo read, “We refer to your letter referenced OEG/ABJ/99/VOL.IV/172 dated 18th June 202, on the above subject matter.

“I am directed to inform you that after the investigation, the management of the National Youth Service has approved a new certificate of National Service reflecting the surname OBASEKI be produced as earlier certificate number 063107 dated 6th August 1980 has been cancelled due to an error in the surname OBASEK.

“Accept the assurances of the Director-General’s regard.”

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