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D'Banj Flouts COVID-19 Guideline, Performs At Party

Singer, D’banj, who is currently facing a rape allegation, has performed at a crowded party in Abuja in violation of the social distancing rule put in place to tackle the coronavirus pandemic.

In videos circulating on social media, neither the 40-year-old nor guests at the party are wearing face masks and make no effort to observe social distancing.

This follows the report that the singer was questioned by police over rape allegation brought against him by a woman named Seyitan Babatayo.

Babatayo accused him of raping her after forcing husband way into her hotel room in December 2018.

Fellow singer, Naira Marley, was also criticised for performing at a concert in Abuja on June 14.

This led to the closure of Jabi Lake Mall, where the concert was held and the suspension of the operating license of ExecuJet, the jet services provider which flew him and his crew from Lagos to Abuja in violation of the coronavirus travel ban.

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