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Simi Shares PRICELESS Father’s Day Video Of Adekunle Gold Singing To Their Daughter

Singer, Simi, has shared a video of her husband, fellow singer, Adekunle Gold, singing to their daughter, Adejare.

The video shared by the 31-year-old shows Adekunle, whom she married in January 2019, carrying Adejare as he sings affectionately to her in Yoruba.

“Happy Daddy’s Day superstar,” she wrote.

Adekunle Gold, born Adekunle Kosoko, also shared his excitement as he celebrated his first ever Father’s Day.

“First Father’s Day. Best feeling ever,” he tweeted.

The couple welcomed Adejare on May 30, though they did not publicly announce her birth until June 7.

Simi’s pregnancy was only confirmed on April 16 when she showed off her baby bump in the video for her song,’Duduke.’

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