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BREAKING!!! Nnamdi Kanu Drops Bombshell, Reveals How Kyari’s Ailment Exposed ‘Jubril Al-Sudani’

Leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, has claimed that the absence of the Chief of Staff to President Muhammadu Buhari, Abba Kyari, has confirmed his allegations that Jubril Al-Sudani is in control of the country.

In one of his latest claims, Kanu said that a plastic mask moulded with Buhari’s face for someone he usually refers to as Jubri Al-Sudani, was wrongly fixed before the Sunday’s nationwide broadcast, adding that Kyari wouldn’t have allowed such to happen if not for his ailment.

Nnamdi Kanu, in recent times has done everything within his power, and is still trying to make Nigerians believe that President Muhammadu Buhari, who was elected into office in 2015 was dead and replaced with, according to him, an impostor from Sudan, who he calls Jubril Al-Sudani.

Sharing some photos on Facebook on Thursday, the IPOB leader, described the scenario as the greatest fraud of the 21st Century anywhere in the world and a rape of democracy and total disregard for constitutional government.

Kanu, who now operates from the United Kingdom, wrote, “IPOB set a very clever trap for them and they stupidly stepped on it as we knew they would.

“Under the careful supervision of Abba Kyari, they cleverly packaged and choreographed Jubril’s public appearance by deliberately avoiding any live interviews or visual broadcasts until the Cuba video emerged.

“But we persisted, hassled, harassed and kept chasing the cabal until they made that one fatal error in Cuba that unravelled their fraud.

“It was IPOB’s relentless pressure, the incendiary tweets from @Imamofpeace and a well crafted article by the former US Ambassador to Nigeria John Campbell, brilliantly wrapped in diplomatic language, that smoked out the lousy impostor.

“To appreciate the extent and depth of their deception, kindly zoom in on the pictures extracted from Jubril’s Cuba broadcast to see clearly for yourself the monstrous double eyelid, double eyebrows and hole in the neck on the creature that resembles something out of a Hammer House of Horror movie that gullible people unintelligently refer to or call Buhari.

“I challenge anybody with a smartphone, a functioning brain and a pair of eyes to zoom in on any of the photos shared by Femi Adesina of Jubril’s broadcast and not be ashamed at what Fulani cabal has done to their brain and democracy in the great Zoo called Nigeria.

“I bet the puppet master Abba Kyari never knew a tiny innocuous and invisible virus would have incapacitated him long enough for the Buhari plastic mask they moulded to fall off the face of Jubri Al-Sudani. This is the greatest fraud of the 21st Century anywhere in the world. A rape of democracy and total disregard for constitutional government.

“Garba Shehu and his Alimajiri followers will say, ‘it doesn’t matter if it is Jubril or Buhari, the issue is, we must finish our 8 years in power. We can’t allow what happened to us with Yar’adua to happen again’.

“Now the world can see why Nigeria is the greatest Zoo on earth.”

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