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NAPTIP Nabs Imam With PhD For Sodomy

The National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons (NAPTIP) has arrested a pharmacist, Abubakar Daraka, for allegedly sodomising a 12-year-old boy in Abuja.

NAPTIP spokesperson, Stella Nezam, in a statement on Thursday, said Daraka, 42, who resides in Spring Valley Estate, Abuja, is a member of staff of the National Hospital.

The agency said the alleged offence contravenes the provision of Violence Against Persons Prohibition (VAPP) Act of 2015.

It also said the alleged offence took place on March 21 at the suspect’s residence.

“The victim after a religious educational programme (Islamiyya) that afternoon, decided to check on his friend who happens to be a neighbour to the suspect,” Mrs Nezam said in the statement.

“On getting there, after several knocks at the door, there was no response but as he made to leave, the suspect opened his door and beckoned on him.

“He subsequently grabbed his hand and took him into his sitting room and defiled him.”

NAPTIP said the incident is still under investigation.

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