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Coronavirus: Ministry Of Finance Begs Tesla CEO, Elon Musk For Ventilators Online

The Federal Ministry of Finance, Budget and National Planning has requested for ventilators from South African billionaire, Elon Musk.

Mr Musk, who is also a citizen of the US and Canada, had on Tuesday said his company, Tesla, would distribute ventilators to hospitals worldwide within the company’s delivery regions.

“We have extra FDA-approved ventilators. Will ship to hospitals worldwide within Tesla delivery regions. Device & shipping cost are free. Only requirement is that the vents are needed immediately for patients, not stored in a warehouse,” he wrote on Twitter.

The ministry late Wednesday then tweeted in response, saying Nigeria needs about 100 to 500 ventilators to help with the fight against the coronavirus.

“Dear @elonmusk @Tesla Federal Government of Nigeria needs support with 100-500 ventilators to assist with #Covid19 cases arising every day in Nigeria,” it said.

Nigeria currently has 174 cases of the deadly disease. The number is expected to rise in the coming days.

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