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FCT Minister Tests Negative For Coronavirus

Malam Muhammad Bello, the Minister of Federal Capital Territory (FCT) has tested negative for the Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Recall that the Minister submitted his blood sample to the Nigerian Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) after it emerged that he may have been exposed to people who had since tested positive for the virus eventhough the Minister had not travelled to one of the endemic countries in recent times.

However, the result of the test however came out negative at the weekend.

Minister of state in the FCT, Dr Ramatu Aliyu had also last week tested negative.

In her personal Twitter handle, the minister had said: “Dear compatriots, I am glad to inform you that my results came out this afternoon and tested negative to #COVID-19. Please stay safe and take every precautionary measures as outlined by Together, we are stronger”.

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