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Phebean Ogundipe Author Of Brighter Grammar Dies

Author of famous English textbooks, Practical English and Brighter Grammar, Phebean Ogundipe, has died at the age of 92.

Ogundipe died in Charlotte, North Carolina in the United States on March 27.

She wrote the famous textbooks for elementary school and for junior and senior secondary schools.

The late scholar was born on May 6, 1927, to the Itayemi family in Esa-Oke, Osun. She attended Queen’s College, Yaba on a full scholarship.

Ogundipe secured an MA in English from the University of St Andrews, Scotland. Upon completion of her studies, she began her working career in the Federal Ministry of Education and served in different schools as an English teacher.

She taught at Queen’s College, Ede, where she met her husband, Adebayo Ogundipe. She also served as Deputy Chief Federal Adviser on Education and National Secretary for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO).

She was the acting director in the Federal Ministry of Education at the time of her retirement.

Upon retirement from public service, she co-founded a remedial educational institution, Top Tutors.

In 1979, Ogundipe received the National Honour of Officer of the Order of the Niger (OON).

She is survived by four sons and 10 grandchildren.

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