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Nnamdi Kanu Changes Broadcast Time As Buhari Addresses Nigerians

Leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), Nnamdi Kanu, has changed the time of his proposed broadcast to ‘Biafrans’ following the announcement that President Muhammadu Buhari would be addressing Nigerians by 7 pm on Sunday.

Mr Kanu, in a tweet, said he had planned to address his followers at the same time.

He then shifted his broadcast by one hour, asking the public to join him via Facebook among other means.

He said: “Due to the diversionary tactics of Aso Rock Cabal to do a live broadcast the same time I planned my address to Biafrans, note the time change tonight…”

Buhari will address the country over the coronavirus for the first time in a live broadcast.

The president had come under criticism for his failure to address citizens on the ravaging virus.

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