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Special Assistant To Governor Makinde Sacked For Posting False Information

Oyo State Governor, Seyi Makinde, has terminated with immediate effect the appointment of his Special Assistant on Digital Media, Muritala Adigun, popularly known as Adigun Ibadan, for allegedly feeding the public with misleading information.

The termination of appointment was made known in a letter issued by the Secretary to the State Government (SSG), Olubamiwo Adeosun, with reference number: SP/S.662/2/Vol1/115.

“I wish to convey the approval of His Excellency, Governor Seyi Makinde, on the termination of your appointment as Special Assistant (Digital Media), with immediate effect,” the letter read.

It was learnt that the sacked aide carelessly posted unverified information on Facebook, which turned out to be false.

Mr Adigun was said to have used a picture of one of the projects executed by the Lagos State Government, and posted it on Facebook, crediting the projects to Makinde.

The governor, it was gathered, became more upset with Adigun when the latter claimed Oyo in combating the coronavirus had purchased disinfecting machines to be used across the state.

Adigun apologised on Facebook for the act, saying: “APC agent of darkness that hacked my Facebook account to disseminate this false information about the Oyo State Government yesterday won’t escape the hand of the law.”

Tweeting on Friday, he said: “You called for it and you’ve gotten it…… Thanks to everybody that contributed to my downfall.”

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