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Dino Melaye Distributes Face Masks, Sanitisers, Others To Kogi West Residents

Senator Dino Melaye has donated several items to Kogi West residents to help stop the spread of the coronavirus.

The former lawmaker shared a video on social media on Friday showing the items – face mask, sanitisers among others – ready for distribution to the people he represented at the National Assembly from 2015 to 2019.

“Distribution of face mask, sanitisers, anti-bacterial hand wash and vitamin c to Kogi West by SDM commences. God will heal our land,” he wrote.

Kogi has not recorded any case of the ravaging virus.

The governor, Yahaya Bello, recently debunked rumours that he had tested positive to the virus.

Mr Bello said he wishes HIV to those who wish him coronavirus.

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