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House Of Reps Member, Akin Alabi Rejects Toyota Camry

A member of the House of Representatives, Akin Alabi, says he will not be taking the Toyota Camry 2020 cars bought for members of the house as official cars.

Mr Alabi said this on Friday in response to a Twitter user who requested to know if the house really made orders for the cars.

He confirmed in the now-deleted tweet: “Each rep will be given a Camry. But I’m not taking it. I will pay NASS some money to add to it so I can get a better car.”

The acquisitions have faced criticism from Nigerians on social media who say it comes at a time the national concern should be about defeating the coronavirus.

In a tweet, however, Alabi, founder of bookmaking company, NairaBET, suggested that the report of the acquisition was false.

“When government institutions don’t do enough to inform the people, we can’t blame people that take advantage of the situation and peddle fake news and we can’t blame people for believing them,” he wrote.

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