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Coronavirus: Dunamis Pastor Suspends Activities, Gives Reasons Church Held Service On Sunday

Senior Pastor of Dunamis International Gospel Centre, Paul Enenche, says the church has complied with government’s directive for churches to close following the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Enenche spoke on Tuesday in Abuja when he led officers of the church with his wife as part of its corporate social responsibility to donate precautionary kits to the Federal Capital Territory Administration (FCTA) as part of efforts to contain the spread of the virus in the territory.

In the presentation to FCT Minister of State, Eneche said the donation was in line with the teachings of Jesus Christ who made life meaningful for the common man, stressing the devastation caused by the coronavirus should not be left for government alone.

Enenche had come under attack on social media for holding a church service in the face of the pandemic.

A statement by his secretary, Sylvester Edoh, however, stated that Sunday’s service was not the regular church’s service as worshippers were sensitised on the need to adhere to government’s instructions regarding the management of COVID-19.

The statement read: “It is necessary for us to offer clarification on the rationale behind the conduct of the Sunday service of Sunday, 22nd March 2020 in the light of the current event in our land – COVID-19.

“After due consultations at the highest level in the FCT, the leadership of CAN concluded that since it was impossible to stop people from coming to church on Sunday, 22nd March 2020 due to inadequate awareness, ignorance and a host of other reasons; and the more difficult task of sending them back home after they had come to church, it was agreed that that Sunday be used for high-level sensitisation, awareness drive and admonition regarding compliance with government directives.

“For this reason, the service was held, not as a regular one, but as a sensitization and awareness service to inform the people about the directives of the government and also enlighten them on health and safety measures as prescribed by experts globally. The Senior Pastor even had to change the message earlier prepared for that Sunday to the one that suitably addressed the situation, and all the branches of the church were instructed to comply with the order in their various countries and states.”

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