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COVID-19: DG NGF, Wife, Family In Self-Isolation After Contact With Bauchi Gov

The Director-General of the Nigeria Governors’ Forum (NGF), Asishana Okauru, says he and his family are now in self-isolation and would be undergoing coronavirus test.

In a statement on Wednesday, Mr Okauru said he had contact with Bauchi State Governor, Bala Mohammed, during the last NGF and the Nigerian Economic Council meetings.

Mr Mohammed had tested positive for the virus.

“I wish to inform the general public that my wife together with my entire household will be proceeding on self-isolation. We are taking this action following my exposure to His Excellency, Governor Bala Mohammed of Bauchi State who (had) announced the positive outcome of his test for COVID-19,” Okauru said in the statement.

“I attended different meetings of the NGF and the Nigerian Economic Council last week, which were also attended by the Bauchi State Governor. Consequently, my wife and I would be undergoing COVID-19 testing this week.

“All of the organisations to which my wife is affiliated have already begun ‘Work from Home’ in line with earlier government directive. In fact, through DAGOMO Foundation Nigeria Ltd/GTE, and in her personal capacity, my wife was already at the forefront of raising awareness around COVID-19. She will continue to do same.”

Okauru advised all members of NGF secretariat that were exposed to the governor during the last NGF meeting and all who were invited to the NGF meetings for presentations to self-isolate.

“At the NGF meetings held, all necessary precautions as advised by the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control were taken, but we cannot make any assumptions about our status. We will self-isolate and take the stringent measures possible to protect the general public,” he said.

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