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JUST IN: Chevron's Expatriate Staff Tests Negative To Covid-19

Oil firm, Chevron Nigeria Limited (CNL), says its foreign employee has tested negative for the coronavirus.

A statement by the firm’s General Manager, Policy, Government and Public Affairs, Esimaje Brikinn, said the expartiate, who demonstrated flu-like symptoms at its Escravos base in Warri, South-West council area of Delta State, tested negative for the virus.

Brikinn said the company was taking precautions to ensure the safety of its staff and their families as it monitors the global pandemic.

“Chevron continues to monitor the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak around the world and has been utilising the guidance of international and local health authorities,” the statement read.

“We are regularly updating our workforce and will continue to adjust plans as appropriate as we receive more information.

“Our top priority is to ensure the health and safety of our workforce and their family members, and we are taking precautionary measures to reduce the risk of exposure.”

The statement said some of the preventive measures being taken by the oil firm include daily temperature screening at its entry points and field locations, issuance of travel advisory to guide all rotational/business and personal travels, pre-embarkation screening, more utilisation of non-face to face meeting tools and minimising inviting external parties to its office..

Brikinn further noted that its workforce are regularly advised on personal hygiene measures like regular washing of hands, covering cough and sneezes, in a bid to protect one another.

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