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Corronavirus: NYSC Suspends CDS Indefinitely

The National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) has suspended its weekly Community Development Service (CDS) activities indefinitely in the face of the coronavirus.

NYSC Director of Human Resource Management, Abdulrazak Salawu, announced this in a statement obtained on Friday.

The suspension of the CDS comes days after the corps’ management shut down its orientation camps nationwide.

The statement ordered all local government inspectors to immediately comply with the directive.

“Sequel to the pandemic of coronavirus globally and management’s concern for the wellbeing of corps members nationwide, I am directed to inform you to suspend all Community Development Service activities until further notice,” the statement read.

“This obvious course of action is directed by circumstances beyond our control. The sudden changes in many countries warranting social changes between persons and isolation of persons on account of COVID-19 present no other option, but to stop CDS activities because of large number of persons in close contact.

“With the abundance of caution, avoidance of errors is easily achievable.”

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