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Nigerian Politicians Have Failed To Provide Good Leadership - Peter Obi

Former vice presidential candidate, Peter Obi, has said that politicians in Nigeria, including himself, had through failure to provide good leadership made the country unbearable for everybody.

Mr Obi spoke on Saturday during the convocation lecture of Veritas University, Bwari, Abuja.

He, however, added: “Though Nigeria is tough, your education has equipped you for survival and competition with others. It is those that fail to explore their knowledge through creativity and innovation that would find things irredeemable and challenges unconquerable.”

Obi also said: “The tasks before you are enormous. Nigeria has been bastardised by my generation, all of us, you owe it to yourselves to restore the glory of the country. Today, our country is owing heavily, the states are owing, most of the debts are to be re-paid in 10, 20, 30 and 40 years’ time. At that time, some of those that plunged the country into the mess would have died and the task of rebuilding will rest squarely on you. I am telling you this for you to realise that the task of re-directing the destiny of this country lies with you and must be pursued with all sense of responsibility.”

Earlier in his homily during the mass, the Visitor to the School and the President of Episcopal Conference of Nigeria, Archbishop Augustine Akubueze, thanked the students and staff of the institution for maintaining the standards for which Catholic institutions are known worldwide.

Archbishop Ignatius Kaigama of Abuja Archdiocese declared the convocation open as chancellor of the school.

Various classes of degrees were conferred on graduands after the convocation lecture.

Spread among five faculties, 26 students made first class, 141 with second class upper degrees, 107 bagged second class lower degrees, 12 got third class degrees while 5 were awarded master’s degrees.

The event also witnessed the ground-breaking ceremony for the school’s faculty of law building named after Justice Chukwunwike Idigbe.

Vice-Chancellor of the school, Rev. Fr. Prof. Hyacinth Ichoku, assured that the school would continue to grow from strength to strength.

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