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CBN Recovers Over N82m For Commercial Banks Customers In Katsina

The Katsina state branch of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), says it facilitated the refund of N82.04 million to customers of commercial banks in the state in 2019, arising from 57 complaints received by the apex bank.

Alhaji Dahiru Usman, Controller in charge of CBN Katsina branch, disclosed this to newsmen on Saturday while reviewing the achievement of the bank in 2019.

Usman explained that most of the complaints centred on Automated Tenant Machine (ATM) dispense errors, wrong transfers, failed transfers, fraud among others.

He said that 49 of those cases were resolved while eight were still pending.

“Overall, the total sum of N82.04 million was refunded to the complainers while N1.40million was lost to cyber crimes and e-fraud cases during the period under review.

“We urge commercial banks to intensify efforts in sensitizing their customers in order to curb the menace of cybercrimes,” the controller said.

Usman said that the sensitisation would help in protecting customers and boost their confidence in the financial system.

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