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JUST IN: Governor Obaseki Revokes CofO Of Ibori’s Property

Edo State Governor, Godwin Obaseki, has revoked the statutory right of occupancy of a property belonging to former governor of Delta State, James Ibori.

The property is located on plot 103A Aiguobasimwin Crescent, old GRA, Oredo Local Government Area.

According to Mr Obaseki, the property was revoked in exercise of the power conferred on him by sections (28) 1 and 38 of the Land Use Degree of 1978 and by virtue of all other laws enabling him on that behalf.

The governor said the property contained an area of approximately 1985.950 square metres.

Mr Ibori was said to have told TheNation via SMS that he was informed three months ago.

It was unclear what the reason was for the revocation.

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