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Alleged Falsehood: Dino Melaye Files No-Case-Submission

Senator Dino Melaye has filed a no-case submission in the trial instituted against him by the Attorney-General of the Federation (AGF).

The former lawmaker on Thursday urged an FCT High Court to strike out the two-count charges filed against him on allegation of providing false information to the police.

Melaye was alleged to have in April 2017 deliberately given false information to the police to incriminate David Onoja, a former chief of staff to Kogi governor, as the mastermind of an attempt to assassinate him.

He was also alleged to have given false statement in a phone conversation with Mohammed Abubakar, son of former Kogi governor, Abubakar Audu, with the intention of harming the reputation of Mr Onoja.

Melaye denied committing the offence punishable under Sections 140 and 393 of the Penal Code Law, Cap. 89, Laws of Northern Nigeria, 1963.

“This matter borders on two-count charge and the prosecution attached six exhibits and five witnesses, but as at today no single exhibit has been tendered,” his lawyer, Olusegun Jolaawo, wrote in the submission.

“So, I want to rely on this to urge the court to acquit and discharge the accused.”

Mr Jolaawo frowned at the continued absence of the prosecution counsel, Shaibu Labaran, stating that it showed unseriousness with the case.

Justice Olasumbo Goodluck subsequently fixed April 16 to rule in Melaye’s submission.

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