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JUST IN!!! NSA Monguno Attacks Abba Kyari Over Police Equipment Contract

Following the tussle between the National Security Adviser, Babagana Monguno and the Chief of Staff to President Buhari, Abba Kyari, a new report has shown that the tussle is allegedly centered on a lucrative police equipment contract.

This was revealed by a document obtained by Premium Times and sighted by Igbere TV.

According to the document, Babagana Monguno; a retired major-general lashed out at Kyari for allegedly overriding the President’s directive in procurement of equipments for the Nigeria Police Force from a firm in the United Arab Emirates.

In a letter dated December 9, 2019 which was addressed to the police affairs minister and police inspector-general, the NSA insisted that such acts can make Nigeria look like an unserious nation before a reliable international partner, described Kyari’s action as “reckless and irresponsible”.

Babagana reiterated that only him has the constitutional power as the head of multiple national security panels and defence minister to act on security matters.

He also accused Kyari of getting away with disregarding presidential orders and imposing his own decisions eventhough he has no constitutional power to issue directives on matters bordering on security.

See the photos of the document below;

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