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BREAKING!!! President Buhari's Team In Disarray As Security Adviser Declares War On Abba Kyari

National Security Adviser, Maj. Gen. Babagana Monguno (rtd), has clashed with the Chief of Staff of the President, Abba Kyari, over interference on matters bordering on national security.

Igbere TV gathered that Mr Monguno issued a warning memo to all service chiefs to desist from taking further directives from Mr Kyari.

In the memo dated December 9, 2019, Monguno blamed Kyari for the government’s failure to contain insecurity in recent times, saying the chief of staff sometimes issues directives to service chiefs without the knowledge and approval of the president.

Part of the memo read: “Chief of staff to the president is not a presiding head of security, neither is he sworn to an oath of defending the country.

“As such, unprofessional practices such as presiding over meetings with service chiefs and heads of security organisations as well as ambassadors and high commissioners to the exclusion of the NSA and/or supervising ministers are a violation of the Constitution and directly undermine the authority of Mr President.

“Such acts and continues meddlesomeness by chief of staff have not only ruptured our security and defence efforts but have slowed down any meaningful gain that Mr President has sought to achieve.”

The online news platform said sources revealed to it that Kyari has ensured that the service chiefs remain in their positions despite calls for their removal.

It also said the presidential spokesmen did not return requests for comments about the memo.

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