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Coronavirus: Nigerians Trapped In Wuhan, China Cry Out. Say "Bring Us Home" (Photos)

Following the widespread of Coronavirus virus and increase in number of dead victims, Some Nigerians trapped in the Chinese city of Wuhan where the virus surfaced and has killed over 1700 people have stormed the social media to cry out for help to return home.

While decrying the state of things in Wuhan, some Nigerians revealed that they are students and only came to study in China before the outbreak of the deadly disease.

A yet-to-be identified lady uploaded an emotional video on social media where she revealed that she has been indoors for over 3 weeks and is running short of food supply as the death toll is increasing daily.

They all expressed fear of remaining in Wuhan and being infected with the deadly virus, as they begged the Nigerian government to help them return home.

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