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“I'm 53% A Nigerian” - American Rapper, Lil Wayne (Video)

African-American rapper, Lil Wayne, has revealed that a website said he is ‘53% Nigerian’.

The 37-year-old revealed this recently as a guest on Drink Champ show which airs on Revolt TV.

He told his hosts, N.O.R.E. and DJ EFN, that he found out he was ‘53% Nigerian’ and that his mother had questions to answer.

When asked by N.O.R.E why he mentioned Nigeria in the lyrics of one of his hit songs, the multiple Grammy Award winner disclosed that he had an ancestry test conducted by a website he shared some of his details on.

“Shout out to Nigeria, I did my 23 and me ancestry dot com and my shit came back like 53% Nigerian. Yea! Me and my mum need to have a talk,” he said.

Lil Wayne, when asked if he has ever been to Nigeria, said he could not wait to visit.

In January, the rapper was seen in a video clip shared on social media expressing desire to visit Nigeria.

When asked by his female interviewer if there is any place he had never been that he would like to go, he said: “I have never been to Nigeria. That’s the place that I will love to go. I’ve never been to Egypt.”

His comments came on the heels of the visit of another American rapper, Cardi B, to Nigeria last December.

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