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Nollywood Actor, Williams Uchemba Leaves Fans Confused After Shaving Off Trademark Beard; SEE His New Look

US-based Nigerian actor, Williams Uchemba, has shaved off his trademark beard for a movie project.

Williams shared a video on Instagram late Tuesday telling his fans about a new role he would be playing in a movie that requires no beards.

The actor said he asked the producers of the movie if he would be paid more money for taking off his beard.

According to him, the producers promised to consider his request.

Williams also joked about his look in a video he posted on Instagram on Wednesday, warning hotels to ensure they fix the showers in their bathrooms.

“PUBLIC NOTICE ANNOUNCEMENT: If you are a hotel owner and you have this kind of low-pressure shower you won’t like me this year. Ask around I don’t like what I hate,” he said.

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