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Woman Docked For Allegedly Pouring Hot Water On 12-Year-Old Girl

A woman has been arraigned in court for allegedly pouring water on a 12-year old minor.

35-year-old Ganiat El-Hakeem, on Monday, January 27, appeared in an Ikorodu Magistrates’ Court in Lagos, for allegedly pouring hot water on a 12 year-old girl.

The police charged El-Hakeem, whose address was not provided, with causing grievous hurt. She pleaded not guilty.

The Prosecution Counsel, Insp. John Iberedem, told the court that the defendant committed the offence on Jan.17 at about 10:pm at No 37 Agunfoye, Igbogbo in Ikorodu.

Iberedem alleged that the defendant poured hot water on a 12-year-old, causing bodily injuries.

The offence, he said, contravened the provisions of Section 245 of Criminal Law of Lagos State, 2015. If convicted under Section 245, she is liable to seven years imprisonment.

Chief Magistrate F.A Azeez admitted the defendant to bail in the sum of N100, 000 with one surety in like sum.

She adjourned the matter untill March. 18 for mention.

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