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Gunmen Allegedly Kill Nigerian Pastor In Adamawa

Unknown gunmen have allegedly killed Rev. Denis Bagauri of the Lutheran Church of Christ in Nigeria (LCCN) in an attack on Sunday, January 19.

Igbere TV learnt that the tragic incident happened at his residence in Nasarawa Gereng Area of Mayo Belwa, headquarters of the Mayo Belwa local government area in Adamawa state.

It was learnt that the deceased, Bagauri became a well known individual in the state after he became a voice for Christians in government during the tenures of Murtala Nyako and Mohammed Jibrila Bindow as governors.

Bagauri served as Senior Special Assistant on Reigion matters during Bindow’s tenure as Governor and he acted in the capacity as the liaison officer for Christians under Murtala Nyako.

This tragic incident was confirmed to newsmen by a friend of late Bagauri, Alhaji Muhammad Buba.

“They killed him last night. A member of the family told me they have taken his corpse to the mortuary.”

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