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National Grid Collapse Causes Blackout Across Nigeria

The country has been thrown into blackout with the first national grid collapse of the year.

The grid collapsed on Thursday afternoon resulting in power outage in some parts of the country.

The Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) confirmed the incident in a tweet.

“There was system disturbance which occurred at about 12.34 pm this afternoon, affecting some parts of the country. As at 1:10pm, supply was restored to Abuja and most parts of the affected areas. TCN is still working to completely restore and stabilise the nation’s grid,” it said.

Eko Electricity Distribution Company (EKEDC) also also wrote on Twitter.

“Dear Customer, present outage affecting all is a TCN System Disturbance on the grid. Power to be restored as soon as available,” the company said.

The grid collapsed more than 10 times in 2019, causing power failure across the country.

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