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Police Arrest Employer Of Nigerian Woman Sold Into Slavery

Police in Lebanon have arrested the employer of Ajayi Omolola, who was trafficked to the country, on the pretext of going to teach English language.

Youssef Maurwan, it was learnt, is now in police custody and will be charged for human trafficking.

A source in the Nigerians in the Diaspora Commission (NIDCOM) said Maurwan would be forced to pay for Ms Ajayi’s return ticket and will be compelled to return her passport which he seized.

“Maurwan is in the custody of the Lebanese police and is being investigated. He has been ordered to return Ajayi’s passport which he seized upon her arrival in Lebanon. He will also be made to provide her return ticket to Nigeria. No date has been fixed for her return,” the source was quoted saying.

Ajayi was rescued on Monday. She is believed to still be in the custody of the Nigerian Ambassador in Beirut, Lebanon, Goni Bura.

Her plight became known after she made a video from Lebanon. The 23-year-old said in the video that she was tricked into going to Lebanon to teach English Language but was converted into slavery.

A Lebanese and two Nigerians have been arrested in Kwara in connection with the incident.

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