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OH NO!!! Motorcyclist Crushed To Death By Bus Driver Along Eko Bridge In Lagos

A commercial bus driver, popularly known as ‘Danfo’ crushed a motorcycle rider (Okada) to death along Eko Bridge, Lagos.

He was knocked down by a yellow commercial bus while driving his bike against oncoming traffic, while the bus driver absconded after the accident.

Lagos State Commissioner for Transportation, Frederic Oladeinde has, on behalf of the State Government, expressed sympathy to the family of the okada rider over the loss.

The Commissioner expressed disappointment that the bus driver escaped immediate arrest but gave assurance that the culprit would be apprehended by the police and brought to justice.

While reiterating government’s directive to all road users to desist from flouting traffic laws, Oladeinde warned commercial motorcycle riders to stop taking laws into their hands and disturbing the peace in the State whenever any of their members got involved in an accident.

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