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BREAKING!!! Gunmen Invade Catholic Seminary, Abduct Students

Four Seminarians attending the Catholic Good Shepherd Major Seminary, Kakau, along Kaduna-Abuja Road have been abducted by yet to be identified men.

The Registrar of the school Rev. Fr. (Dr) Joel Usman, who confirmed this to newsmen, said armed bandits stormed the school at about 10.30pm and11pm and abducted the seminarians.

“Good Shepherd Major Seminary was attacked by armed bandits between 10.30 and11pm. After head count of students with security agents, four seminarians have been declared missing. Kindly say a prayer for their release” Usman said.

DSP Yakubu Sabo, the spokesman of Kaduna Police Command, said the gunmen made their way into the school through a porous point, after which they started shooting sporadically.

According to Sabo, it was in the process of shooting that they abducted four students from their hostels. The police spokesman however said the timely response of police personnel to the school prevented the gunmen from taking away more students.

“The police have launched a manhunt for the kidnappers with the view to arresting them and rescuing the victims,” he added.

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