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Police Investigate Bribe-Taking Policeman With POS Machine Demanding ATM Card

Police say they have begun investigating the incident of a man in police uniform holding a Point of Sale (POS) device and demanding the Automated Teller Machine (ATM) card of a member of the public.

Although the suspected policeman’s face was not captured by the camera, he is heard in the video which went viral on Thursday asking a man to release his ATM card.

The man refuses vehemently saying in Pidgin English that he had never seen where policemen make demands for ATM cards.

The police tweeted on Friday saying the incident was being investigated to determine the authenticity, location and identity of the persons.

“The @policeNG has commenced investigations to unravel the authenticity of the video, location of incident and identity of persons captured in the viral video where some persons in Police uniform were captured, allegedly with POS machine and demanding ATM card from a member of the public,” the tweet said.

The camera also captured another policeman who was on the other side of the road managing traffic.

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