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Woman Jailed For 6 Months For Stealing Goat To Pay Son's Medical Bill

A 30-year-old woman identified as Sadiat Jimoh has been sentenced to 6 months in prison by an Osogbo magistrate court for stealing a goat valued at N45,000.

Sadiat stole the she-goat which belongs to Fausat Adegboga on Sunday January 5, at Agunbelewo area of Osogbo metropolis.

The prosecutor, Abiodun Fagboyinbo told the court; “Sadiat Jimoh and one other at large on January 5, at Agunbelewo in Osogbo did conspire to commit felony to wit stealing.

Fagboyinbo said: “The offence committed is contrary to and punishable under sections 516 and 390(9) of the Criminal Code Cap 34 Vol. Laws of Osun State Nigeria 2002.”

The convict who pleaded guilty to the two-count charge bordering on conspiracy and stealing after being arraigned in court yesterday January 7, said she wanted to use the proceeds from the sale of the goat to treat her son.

Her defence counsel, Abimbola Ige on the other hand pleaded with the court to temper justice with mercy.

Saidat was subsequently sentenced to six months in prison with a N15,000 option of fine.

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