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Gunmen Kidnap House Wife And Her 1-Year-Old Daughter In Katsina

Yet-to-be identified gunmen have kidnapped a housewife identified as Asmau Tasiu and her one year old daughter after attacking their home in Jibia town in Katsina State on Sunday night, December 29th.

In a statement released by the Police Public Relations in the state, SP Gambo Isah disclosed that an unspecified number of gunmen riding on a motorcycle stormed the community where Tasiu lived.

He further revealed that they began shooting sporadically into the air and one Ibrahim Usman was shot dead during the shooting.

“On Sunday, 29/12/2019 at about 2045hrs, Bandits in their numbers on motorcycles invaded the house of Alh Tasiu Wali in Jibia town and abducted his wife Hajiya Asmau Tasiu alongside her one-year baby daughter Husna Tasiu and Abu Abu 20yrs and whisked them into the forest.

In the process, a stray bullet fired as a result of their (bandits) sporadic shooting hit one Ibrahim Usman. He died while receiving treatment at the hospital” .

Isah says efforts are being made to rescue the kidnap victins and also get the abductors arrested.

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