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SEE Photo Of Policeman Who Shot Man Dead In Lagos Island

Tragedy struck in Lagos community when a 39-year-old man, Ramon Adeniyi was shot dead by a Police Sergeant on Friday, at Eko Atlantic, Victoria Island area of Lagos State.

The killer cop, Lukmon Akanbi, attached to Victoria Island Division, has been arrested on the order of the Commissioner of Police, Lagos State Police Command, CP Hakeem Odumosu.

According to report, the Sergeant with Force number 44840, said to be on patrol at the area, had a fracas with late Adeniyi, who was returning from an outing at about 4.20 am.

In the process, he pulled the trigger of his service pistol on the defenceless man. The command Public Relations Officer, DSP Elkana Bala, confirmed the incident to newsmen.

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