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Abductors Of NLC Chairman Demand N20m Ransom

The abductors of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) chairman in Cross River, Ben Ukpepi, have demanded a N20million ransom for his release.

Recall that the labour leader was kidnapped at his residence in CROSPIL Estate, Akpabuyo local government area of the state.

Meanwhile, the kidnapers have reached out to his wife and demanded N20 million before releasing him.

A source said family members are praying hard for the NLC chairman’s safe release from the kidnappers’ den.

Further disclosed that: “We can only have faith in God for his safe return. They spoke to the wife this afternoon, using the victim’s phone.

“They demanded that N20 million should be paid before he can be released . I don’t know how this is possible because he does not have such money anywhere.

“He was the one who spoke to us as they used his phone to make the call. They put the phone on speaker.”

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