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JUST IN: Unknown Gunmen Demand N20m For Kidnapped Catholic Priest In Delta

Unknown gunmen have kidnapped a Catholic priest along Onicha-Olona in Aniocha North Local Government Area of Delta State, Igbere TV reports.

Rev. Fr. Samuel Agwameseh is the parish priest of St. Lawrence Catholic Church, Issele-Mkpitime.

Reports say he was abducted on Saturday while returning from Onicha-Olona.

The priest, it was learnt, went to Onicha-Olona to produce Sunday’s bulletin for his parish.

Director of Social Communication, Catholic Diocese of Issele-Uku in Delta State, Rev. Fr Charles Uganwa, confirmed the abduction on Monday, saying that the kidnappers have established contact with some parishioners with a demand of N20 million as ransom.

“The priest was returning to his base at Issele-Mkpitime when he was attacked by Fulani herdsmen and whisked away to an unknown location,” he said.

Delta police spokesperson, Onome Onovwakpoyeya, said efforts have begun to rescue the priest.

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