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5-Year-Old Boy Abducted In Anambra Church

The police in Anambra state is currently investigating the abduction of a 5-year old boy, Chimaobim Kosi Oyinkor, at the St Joseph’s Catholic Church, Ekwulobia, Anambra State on Sunday December 15th.

Spokesperson of the state police command, Haruna Mohammed, who confirmed the incident, said Chimaobim was playing in the field with other kids within the church premises during Sunday service when he was abducted.

“One Mr and Mrs Ayinkor Umego both of Okpo village Ekwulobia reported at Aguata police station at about 9am that his wife prepared their three children for church service at St.Joseph Catholic Cathedral Church Ekwulobia.

However while the children were playing on the field within the church premises, a man whose identity is yet unknown called the eldest child and sent him to go and buy three sachet water opposite the church.

Before he came back from the errand, the man had disappeared with his younger brother one Chimaobim Kosi Ayinkor aged five years to unknown destination and all efforts made to locate him by the parents proved abortive.

Following the report, police circulated a wireless massage to various divisions/formations through the control room while effort is being intensified to find the missing child who is dark in complexion about 3 feet tall and without a tribal mark” he said

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