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Attackers Of Maersk Boss' Family Hid Weapons In Neighbourhood Days Before Attack

Goke Olamilekan and Akande Adeyinka, the two suspects linked to the attack on the Ikoyi residence of the Managing Director of Maersk Line Shipping Company, Gildas Tohouo on Sunday December 9, reportedly smuggled in their weapons and hid them in an empty flat in the estate several days before the incident.

Upon being interrogated following their arrest, the suspects who left Tohouo critically injured and also killed his wife Benedeth after robbing her of cash, ATM cards and other valuables, said they plotted the attack for three weeks.

They further disclosed that they did not know that Touoho was at home at the time they struck as their main target was his wife.

The suspects would have escaped if the Lagos state Commissioner of Police (CP) Hakeem Odumosu had not insisted on a thorough search in the neighbourhood. One of the suspects was found on top of a mango tree after a high-definition torchlight was flashed in surrounding bushes.

A police source said; “The CP received the distress call and raced to the scene in less than an hour. He was on patrol when he got the message. Everywhere was dark and so, the CP brought out a very bright and big torch from his car.

“As we were going there, he called both the Area Commander and the DPO (Divisional Police Officer) in charge of the area to join him.

“He practically smoked the suspects out from their hiding places. Those suspects would have escaped if the CP had not taken the urgent steps he took.

“He insisted that everywhere in the estate be searched despite everyone else itching to go home. He insisted that the police must get a lead that would help both investigation and quick arrest of the suspects if they had fled.

“With his insistence, all other officers had no choice but to obey. It was while the search was going on that he flashed his torch up and then saw one of them hiding atop a mango tree. He was promptly arrested.”

It was further gathered that the suspects are yet to be paraded before the media as the Inspector General of Police (IG) Mohammed Adamu is expected to personally question them.

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