Today, Mr Tarik Khan, the Director General West and Central African Bureau, Global Affairs Canada, to further demonstrate the Government of Canada’s commitment to the fight against polio virus and strengthening routine immunization (RI), joined the Niger State Primary Healthcare Development Agency (SPHCDA) and WHO staff during a polio house-to-house vaccination exercise.

Reaching every child with lifesaving vaccines, as well as strengthening surveillance and routine immunization across Nigeria and the African region, will be essential to sustain the progress against wild polio and other strains.

Expressing WHO and partners’ gratitude to the people of Canada and the Niger State Government, Dr Fiona Braka, WHO Nigeria Team Lead for the Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI), said, “We wish to use this medium to greatly appreciate Canada and the Niger State Government for all their efforts.

The strong leadership of the Federal and State Governments, with the support from donors such as Canada, has been instrumental to the significant achievements in the fight against polio virus in Nigeria.”
She cautioned that, “As we edge closer towards polio-free certification in the Africa Region, we need to remain vigilant and sustain the high quality of vaccination campaigns and surveillance, while aiming for higher routine immunization coverage.”
Other members of the delegation to Suleja LGA, Niger State consisted of Niger State Government officials, the Acting High Commissioner of Canada to Nigeria, Mrs Amy Galigan and the Counsellor/ Head of Cooperation, Mr Kevin Tokar, as well as health team officers Ms Kibeza Kasubi and Mr Martin Osubor.
The team paid a courtesy call to His Royal Highness the Emir of Suleja, Mallam Muhammad Awwal Ibrahim, to express appreciation for the support of the traditional institutions in promoting polio eradication and broader primary health care delivery.
Through funding from Canada and other donors, WHO Nigeria provides support to the Federal Government of Nigeria and State Governments for polio eradication activities.
Two of the three wild polio virus strains (type 2 and 3) have so far been declared eradicated globally in 2015 and 2019 respectively.
Only three countries remain on the endemic list for wild polio virus type 1: Afghanistan, Pakistan and Nigeria. Nigeria is scheduled to present its documentation for certification to the Africa Regional Certification Commission in June 2020.